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(fi <br />SEC. 23 -completed SEC. 24 <br />No permit shall be granted by the Building Department of <br />the County until the time for appeal from the decision of <br />the County Zoning Commission as herein provided shall have <br />expired. When an appeal is so filed, no such permit shall <br />be issued until after final determination of such appeal <br />has been made. <br />Section 24. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS: <br />For the purpose of this Ordinance, such "Offstreet Parking <br />Space" shall consist of a minimum net area of two hundred <br />(200) square feet of appropriate dimension with driving sur- <br />face for the parking of an automobile, exclusive of access <br />drives or aisles thereto. <br />There shall be provided on the building site at the time of <br />the erection of any building or structure, or at the time <br />any building or structure is enlarged or increased in capa- <br />city by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, floor area or <br />seats, minimum off-street parking space with adequate pro- <br />visions for ingress and egress by an automobile of standard <br />size, in accordance with the following requirements. <br />(A) PARKING. <br />(1) SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. Two spaces for each single <br />family dwelling <br />(2) MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. Two spaces for each dwell- <br />ing unit up to forty units; two and one-half <br />,. spaces for each dwelling unit over forty units <br />(3) CHURCHES, TEMPLES, PLACES OP WORSHIP, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, <br />THEATERS, AUDITORIU;4S, STADIUMS, AND OTHER PLACES OF <br />PUBLIC ASSEIBLY. One space for each three seats <br />(4) GENERAL COMMERCIAL ES'T`ABLISHMENTS. One space per two <br />hundred'Z200 square feet of gross building area . <br />(5) IIOTELS-MOTELS. One and one-half spaces per unit <br />(6) HOSPITALS, SANITARIUMS. One and one-half spaces per bed <br />(7) CONVALESCENT 11011 -ES, HOMES FOR THE AGED, RETIREMENT HOMES, <br />JRSING HOME One space per two e s <br />(8) VETERINARY IiOSPITALS, BOARDING KENNELS. One space per <br />300 square feet of gross buzldin~ g area <br />(9) LIBRARIES, MUSEUMS. One space per 300 square feet of <br />gross ui.lding area <br />(10) PROFESSIONAL OFFICES OR CLINICS. One space per 300 <br />square feet of gross building area <br />(11) RESTAURANTS OR BARS. One and one-half spaces per 100 <br />square feet of gross floor area <br />(12) MANUFACTURING, WHOLESALING AND STORAGE BUSINESSES WFICH <br />DO NOT SELL OVER TIIE COUNTER PRODUCTS TO THE GENERAL PUB- <br />LIC FROM TIIE PREMISES. One space per 500 sauare feet <br />of gross floor area <br />(13) BOWLING ALLEYS. Ten spaces per bowling lane <br />(14.) MARINAS. One space per 300 square feet of principal <br />511di g plus one space per three boat storage spaces <br />(15) SCHOOLS. <br />Schools will be treated <br />a. Huh Schools - one space for each four students <br />b. Junior Hier & Elementary Schools - one space for <br />each ten students <br />(16) BUSINESS AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. One parking space for <br />each three students <br />(17) OTHER USES. Off-street parking requirements for any <br />use not specifically mentioned in this section shall <br />be the same as for the most similar use listed. <br />-36- <br />