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.:77C 77 <br />SEC. 2 cont <br />ured upon a separate chassis or undercarriage as an integral part there- <br />of, which meets all of the specifications of the Southern Standard Build - <br />Code, and designed for transportation after fabrication on a flat bed <br />or other trailer to its building site where it is to be occupied as a <br />dwelling. <br />MOTEL: A building or group of two (2) or more buildings design- <br />ed and used to provide sleeping accommodations for transients or over- <br />night guests, with or without restaurant facilities. <br />NONCONFORMITY: A lot, structure, use of land or use of structure, <br />or any combination thereof, which was lawful before this Ordinance was <br />passed or amended, but which would be prohibited under the terms of <br />this Ordinance. <br />NURSING OR CONVALESCENT HOME: A home, institution, building or <br />residence, public or private, whether operated for profit or not, which <br />provides maintenance, personal care or nursing for a period exceeding <br />twenty -.`our hours to three or more ill, physically infirm, convalescing, <br />or aged persons who are not related by blood or marriage to the opera- <br />tor. The definition of nursing or convalescent home does not include <br />hospitals, clinics, or similar institutions which are devoted primarily <br />to the diagnosis and treatment of the sick or injured. <br />PARKING LOT: An area or plot of ground, used for the storage or <br />parking of motor vehicles either for compensation or to provide an <br />accessory service to a business, industrial or residential use. <br />RECREATIONAL AND LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE: Unroofed or screen roof- <br />ed ornamental landscaped areas and recreational areas which are easily <br />accessible and regularly available to occupants of all dwelling units <br />on the lot wherein the open space is located. Rooftops, porches, rais- <br />ed decks, parking spaces, driveways, utility and service areas are not <br />calculated as open space. <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE: The boundary line between highway, road or <br />street and a tract or parcel of land adjoining such highway, road or <br />street. The right-of-way line shall be considered the property line. <br />SCHOOLS: Public or private schools that offer an institution or <br />place for instruction or education but not including business, secre- <br />tarial or vocational schools. <br />SETBACK: The minimum horizontal distance between the street, rear <br />or side lines of the lot and the front, rear or side lines of the build- <br />ing, including porches and carports. When two (2) or more lots under. <br />