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L—A <br />Discussion followed on that fact that there is not <br />sufficient time to have an outside study done and also <br />regarding the reasoning behind not going with the 8 and 2 <br />rate the FmIiA is willing to accept. <br />Finance Director Barton explained that the 8 and 2 FmHA <br />used was based on a study done three years ago, and did not <br />take into consideration the Ixora, Treasure Coast, and other <br />systems we are acquiring. It was emphasized that our <br />requirements are set out in the bond covenants and we must <br />meet them. <br />Administrator Wright then proceeded to explain the <br />figures set out in the chart, noting that in the first <br />column, they took the rates we are billing today and ran <br />them through the machine to see what this would produce -next <br />year. The 8/2 column is what FmHA requires as a minimum; it <br />also takes into consideration certain other variables such <br />as considering the Vista Properties to be 1800 single family <br />units whereas today they are actually considered on master <br />meters as 130 single family units with high consumption. <br />Discussion followed about the County having had a <br />special agreement with Vista Royale, and Attorney <br />Brandenburg believed there was an understanding their rates <br />would remain the same until the time the County water system <br />came on line; although, there is nothing in -the actual <br />agreement with Vista Royale that speaks to the rates. <br />In further discussion it was noted that there is a line <br />to Vista Royale now, but our water plant will not be on line <br />until October. <br />Discussion continued about various rates, including the <br />possibility of an inverse rate, and Joe Baird of the Utility <br />Department noted that all County rates will go up since we <br />have to have a unified county rate. <br />Finance Director Barton emphasized that the plant was <br />designed and built based on providing service to a given <br />5 <br />SEP - 8 <br />..SEP...8 1982 go 51 NNE 21.5 <br />