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250 gallons per day on a monthly basis, units will be <br />increased or flow will be restricted at the discretion <br />of the Department. 1 <br />27. In the event that a business is described in the <br />schedule by, general classification but the par- <br />ticular nature of said business or structure would <br />result in an inequitable connection charge if the <br />schedule were used, the Department in its discretion <br />may determine that a higher or lower number of units <br />shall be used. 1 <br />SECTION 201.08 <br />RATES AND CHARGES <br />A. Billing Charge. A charge will be applied to each bill issued by <br />the Department for billing services. <br />B. Base Facilities Charge Where Lines Are Available. This charge <br />shall apply to every connected ERU and to each ERU reserved for future use in a <br />development. This charge will apply until the facility is permanently disconnected <br />from the system. For developments that have entered into an agreement with the <br />County for reserving capacity, the fee shall commence upon certification by the <br />Department that County transmission, collection, and distribution lines are ready for <br />use. For temporary disconnections, at the time of reconnection, customers will pay <br />the base facilities charge for each month the facility has been disconnected. <br />C. Base Facilities Charge Where Capacity is Reserved but Lines are <br />Not Available. The County may charge less than the standard fee until lines are <br />ready for use. <br />D. Volume Charge. A charge will be imposed that is directly <br />related to the volume of water consumed or sewage treated. The volume charge shall <br />be increased 20 percent after public hearing within 15 days in the event that the <br />Water Management District declares a water use emergency in Indian River County. <br />Any such rate increase shall be rescinded upon termination of the water use <br />emergency without further action of the County. <br />dbt075/040.51 12 <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 12:03:07 - OfficialDocuments:607, Attachment Id 0, Page 12 <br />