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E. Excess Volume Surcharge. A charge will be made for providing <br />service to any customer in excess of the level of capacity purchased by the customer <br />as represented by the number of ERUs assigned to the customer and for which the <br />customer purchased capacity through impact fees. Such excess volume use may be <br />prohibited by the department if additional necessary capacity is not available. <br />F. Excess Sewage Strength Charge. All sewage discharged into the <br />sanitary sewer system which has an average concentration of biochemical oxygen <br />demand (BODS) of 250 milligrams per liter (mg/l) or greater or an average concen- <br />tration of suspended solids of 250 mg/1 or greater shall be subject to an excessive <br />strength charge. The amount of the excessive strength charge shall be equal to the <br />customer's standard base facilities and volume charges multiplied by the greater of <br />either of two factors: the amount of the customer's average concentration of BODS <br />in mg/1 divided by 250, minus 1; or the amount of the customer's average concentra- <br />tion of suspended solids in mg/l divided by 250, minus 1. Any customer may sample <br />its sewage and have it analyzed by an analytical laboratory approved by the Florida <br />Department of Environmental Regulation. The County may sample and conduct <br />anaysis -of the sewage produced by any customer to determine sewage strength. <br />Where such analysis demonstrates that the customer's sewage strength exceeds the <br />standards given above, the customer will be subject to the excess sewage strength <br />charge an ss a l reimburse the County for the cost of such analysis. <br />G. Excess Capital Cost Charge. The County may impose a charge <br />on customers of a system where the water and/or sewer system is acquired by the <br />County -at-a cost in excess -of that for—w-Yich impact fees haveend. <br />H. Deposits Required upon Opening, Transferring, Reconnecting; <br />Refund Policy. The County shall require a deposit for each water and sewer account <br />opened,, transferred-to-another-name,-orTeconnectedrta thesystemn based- on th <br />number of ERUs. The deposit will be retained in an interest bearing account, the <br />interest on which will be paid to the customer upon refund of the deposit. Upon <br />discontinuance of service -and -rendering of final bill, the -deposit shalFbe-refunded; <br />dbt075/040.51 13 <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 12:03:08 - OfficialDocuments:607, Attachment Id 0, Page 13 <br />