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9/7/90 <br />5. Conservation -Element -Maps-: <br />Figures 8.1, 8.9_, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12 .14, and 8.25 <br />6. Coastal Management Element Maps: <br />€igUres 9: X9:6 -j-9.7—,-9-. 8, X23;-9:23, 9.35; and <br />(c) Capital Improvements Element <br />T 490IndianRiver County Comprehensive Plan completes <br />the growth management initiative started by Indian River <br />County by providing a direct linkage between land use <br />decision making -and the- fiscal-capabilityto provide <br />infrastructural -support-while- enhancing- environmental <br />protection. Pursuant to the requirements of 9J - <br />5.005(1)(c), FAC, the following sections are included in <br />-he Cam a improvements lement (S-ee Appendix "R"-) <br />1. Requirements for capital improvements implementation <br />2. roce ures for monitoring and e — ua of the <br />lndiae ve County --Plan <br />3. Concurrency Management System <br />Maps and Tabs -es- Adopted by—Reference 1. Gals <br />Objectives, and Policies_SeCtion <br />This section inclu ed s all the maps and tab lesw ich have - <br />beer, referenced in the goals, objectives, and -p J-1es <br />section, but not included in the required mapssection. <br />(2) Besides the adopted portion, another form of the comprehensive <br />plan has been reproduced. That is the complete comprehensive <br />plan. This form of the plan not only contains the adopted <br />portion, but also consists of the support documents; the <br />support documents contain the data and analysis upon which t e <br />adopted portions- are -based. Filling -over -�fl pages -in -two -- <br />volumes, the complete -plan serves as both a policy document <br />and a reference guide. For policy purposes, however, the <br />adopted portion of the plan is a complete ocumen . <br />Section .800.04 Legal Status of.the Comprehensive Plan <br />Upon -adoption of the -19 -9 -0 --Ind ian River County Comprehensive -Plan, <br />pursuant to Florida Statutes 163.3194, all development undertaken <br />3 <br />SmeadSok Reprint Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 - 15:22:09 - OfficialDocuments:672, Attachment Id 0, Page 7 <br />