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This ordinance was advertised in the Vero Beach <br />Press -Journal on the 7 day of March , 1991, for a <br />public hearing to be held on the 26 - day of March -_--- <br />1991, at .which time it was moved for adoption by <br />Commissioner Scurlock seconded by Commissioner <br />and adopted by the following vote: <br />Chair -man -R -i -c -hand -N -.—B -i -rd <br />Vice Chairman Gary C. Wheeler -4P-- <br />Commissioner Don C. Scurlock, Jr. Aye— <br />Commissioner Margaret C. Bowman UL— <br />Commissioner Carolyn K. Eggert. AvP <br />.BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />l-iorlaa, tnls ist a a y or A ril I9)VI <br />Effective date: Acknowledgment from the Department of State <br />received on this 8th day of. April , 1991, at 9:30 <br />a.m./p.m. and fi lecdin the Office o� i e `Clerk of the N-a`FIc <br />of -County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida. <br />Indhn Rim Ca Approved Dale <br />Admin <br />Legal <br />Budget <br />-Rislt-mgr.- <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 12:04:10 - OfficialDocument5:609, Attachment Id 0, Page 2 <br />