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3. If the Environmental Health Director determines that <br />maintenance records kept pertaining to an establishment over <br />a two year period demonstrate that cleaning of a pollutant <br />intercepter or grease trap less frequently than every six <br />months would be sufficient, the Environmental Health Director <br />may allow less frequent cleaning. <br />4. The owner or operator of each establishment regulated by <br />which complies with the above requirements. This schedule <br />shall be available for review on the establishment premises <br />at all times. The schedule shall be verified any time a <br />pollutant interceptor or grease trap is serviced by keeping a <br />copy of the invoice for the provisions of those services on <br />site with the schedule. The copy shall contain as a minimum <br />the following: <br />a. The name of the originator <br />b. Disposal destination <br />c. Amount of grease or pollutant removed <br />d. Hauler's name, address, and telephone number <br />e. Amount charged for the cleaning. <br />approved haulers and disposed of at a location authorized by <br />Indian River County and the Health Department. <br />SECTION VIII <br />PERMITTING AND INSPECTIONS <br />1. No pollutant interceptor or grease trap shall be <br />installed without first obtaining a permit for installation <br />from the Indian River County Public Health Unit. Permits may <br />be appiied Tor on corms to be provided by the Indian Rive <br />County Public Health Unit. The Health Unit shall grant a <br />permit for the installation of a pollutant interceptor or <br />grease trap upon finding that all requirements of this <br />ordinance and--other_applicabLe—laws_and rules have—been_m <br />(6) <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 - 15:24:34 - Officiaftcumel ts:673, Attachment Id 0, Page 6 <br />