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Last modified
2/18/2025 3:35:29 PM
Creation date
10/5/2015 1:12:29 PM
Ordinance Number
Adopted Date
Agenda Item Number
Ordinance Type
Comprehensive Plan
Capital Improvements Element Schedule Update
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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />With this year's update, additional capital projects have been added that are associated with the <br />recently adopted Gifford Neighborhood Plan (2014). In addition, some projects have had their <br />timeframes extended. While some project time frames have been extended, none of the extensions <br />will impact development project concurrency reservations. Because the County is slowly recovering <br />from the depressed housing market, problems with the financial markets, and limited construction <br />activity, it is anticipated that most of the capacity associated with many of those projects will not be <br />needed until later dates. <br />Construction dates for improvements to two segments of C.R. 510 have been extended by 1 year. <br />Those segments are C.R. 510 between 55`x' Avenue and the Indian River and C.R. 510 between 70th <br />Avenue and 55`x' Avenue. Although the available capacity on those segments has been reduced with <br />recent traffic count increases, programmed improvements will provide for increases in available <br />capacity. <br />While some transportation projects are being rescheduled to later years of the CIP, there is one factor <br />that is expected to increase available capacity in the short term. That factor is that concurrency <br />certificates for some development projects with vested trips will expire soon. At that time, the <br />reserved trips reflected by those projects will be removed from the concurrency management system. <br />For some of those projects, owners will not re -apply for new concurrency certificates if non -traffic <br />impact fees would be due or if the owner decides not to pay for the updated traffic analysis which <br />would be required with any new concurrency application. <br />By extending the timeframe of transportation projects, the County can utilize its limited resources to <br />complete priority concurrency related projects within the overall capital improvements program. In <br />effect, the County needs to delay some projects so that other projects will remain fundable and so that <br />additional priority projects maybe funded. By funding necessary projects and other priority projects, <br />and by extending the time frames for other projects, the County is maintaining a financially feasible <br />capital improvements element. <br />• Priority Transportation Capital Improvements Program <br />The Priority Transportation Capital Improvements Program is a list of transportation projects for <br />which a specific start date and a specific completion date are listed. As allowed by state law, the <br />County considers the additional capacity to be produced by those roadway improvement projects as <br />being available now for concurrency purposes. As such, a development project impacting a deficient <br />link can proceed despite the deficient link, where a roadway improvement project for the deficient <br />link will be under construction no later than three years after issuance of the first building permit for <br />the development project. <br />In 2010, because of lower demand and/or a slower increase in demand on area roadways from the <br />depressed housing market and the pending expiration of concurrency certificates for previously <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014- <br />32 <br />
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