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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />approved developments, it was determined that the Priority Transportation Capital Improvements <br />Program (PTCIP) was no longer needed, and was removed from the CIE. Given the slow increase in <br />demand due to the gradually recovering housing market, the PTCIP has not been re -introduced at this <br />time. <br />Needs Assessment <br />Based on public facility requirements identified in the other comprehensive plan elements, this needs <br />assessment identifies the capital improvements required to provide sufficient infrastructure to meet <br />proposed levels of service for existing and new development. For purposes of the CIE, a capital <br />improvement is a substantial facility (land, building or major equipment) that costs at least $100,000 <br />and may be paid for in phases. <br />Table 6.10 identifies capital improvement needs through fiscal year 2018/19 for conservation & <br />aquifer recharge, emergency services, general services, law enforcement & corrections, recreation and <br />open space, stormwater management, sanitary sewer and potable water, solid waste, transportation, <br />and public schools. Appendix A provides a detailed list of projects associated with each of the <br />comprehensive plan elements as well as those projects associated with individual department capital <br />improvements programs. Not included in Appendix A are projects associated with the Public School <br />Facilities Element. Those projects are found in Appendix C. Detailed capital improvement schedules, <br />which list each improvement project, are provided in each applicable Comprehensive Plan Element or <br />within individual master plans for the respective governmental service. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014- <br />33 <br />