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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Non-committed/non-reserved single-family lot projected demand relates to the facility impacts <br />associated with construction on single-family lots in subdivisions platted after February 13, 1990 and <br />construction on single-family unplatted lots and acreage. Since that type of construction will impact <br />facilities, the demand anticipated from that type of activity must be considered in facility expansion <br />plans. For that reason, it is necessary to maintain an accurate inventory of unbuilt, platted lots and <br />consider the impacts of construction on those lots. <br />The second type of projected demand is new project demand. For each new project, demand <br />estimates must be made on a facility by facility basis. Only if sufficient available capacity exists for <br />each facility to be impacted can the project be approved and a development order issued. Upon <br />issuance of a development order, the estimated impacts on each facility would be considered as <br />committed demand. <br />Availability of Capacity <br />Facility capacity can be assessed two different ways. First, facility capacity can be determined by <br />facilities that are existing and available; examples would be existing treatment plants and existing <br />roadways with a set number of lanes. The second manner for assessing facility capacity is to consider <br />both existing, in -the -ground facilities as well as facility expansions or new facilities which are <br />programmed but not yet existing. <br />As part of the concurrency review process, the capacity of existing, in -the -ground facilities will be <br />considered in all cases. Programmed facilities will be considered in assessing capacity for each public <br />facility category when the following conditions are met: <br />➢ For sanitary sewer, potable water, solid waste and drainage facilities: <br />1. A development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the <br />issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary facilities <br />and services are in place and available to serve the new development; or <br />2. At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services <br />are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement to be in place and available to <br />serve new development at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its <br />functional equivalent. <br />➢ For parks and recreation facilities: <br />At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and <br />services are in place or under actual construction; or <br />Community Development Department <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014 - <br />Indian River County <br />45 <br />