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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />may recognize and include transportation projects included in the first three years of <br />the adopted Florida Department of Transportation five year work program. In order to <br />apply this provision to a facility expansion project, the Capital Improvements Element <br />must include the following policies: <br />i. The estimated date of commencement of actual construction and the <br />estimated date of project completion. <br />ii. A provision that a plan amendment is required to eliminate, defer, or delay <br />construction of any road or mass transit facility or service which is needed <br />to maintain the adopted level of service standard and which is listed in the <br />five-year schedule of capital improvements (for Indian River County, this <br />is included in Policy 1.2 of this Element); or <br />The segment's new roadway capacity if, at the time a development order or permit is <br />issued, the facility is the subject of a binding executed agreement which requires the <br />facility to be in place or under actual construction no more than three years after the <br />issuance of the project's first building permit or its functional equivalent; or <br />4. The segment's new roadway capacity if, at the time a development order or permit is <br />issued, the facility is guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, to be in place <br />or under actual construction not more than three years after issuance of a building permit <br />or its functional equivalent. <br />5. The segment's new roadway capacity if facility expansion for the segment is the subject of <br />a proportionate fair -share agreement. In such case, the segment capacity increase reflected <br />in the proportionate fair share agreement shall be available only to the party or parties to <br />the proportionate fair share agreement. <br />➢ For school facilities: <br />A residential development order or permit shall be issued only if the needed capacity for <br />the particular service area is available in one or more contiguous service areas. <br />Regulation <br />No development order shall be issued for any project where the project's demand in conjunction with <br />existing demand and committed demand will exceed the capacity of a facility at the service level <br />established in this plan. Level -of -service analysis will be undertaken during the review of each <br />project for which development order approval is required. <br />Community Development Department <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014 - <br />Indian River County <br />47 <br />