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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Monitoring System <br />To effectively implement the concurrency requirement, it is necessary to maintain an estimate of <br />available capacity for each public facility subject to level -of -service requirements. By maintaining an <br />accurate and current available capacity estimate for each facility, projected demand from development <br />applications can be compared to the available capacity for the facility to determine if the project can <br />be approved. The purpose of the monitoring program is to maintain a current estimate of available <br />capacity for each facility. <br />With the exception of public schools, the monitoring system portion of the concurrency management <br />plan is maintained by the county's planning division. Effective July 1, 2008, the School District <br />initiated and now maintains the monitoring system portion of the concurrency management plan for <br />public schools. Using a network computer system and database management software, records were <br />developed and are maintained for each specific facility. <br />Based upon information in the specific comprehensive plan elements, total capacity figures for each <br />applicable facility are maintained in database files established for each public facility category. <br />Capacity figures are modified as facilities are expanded or as criteria specified in the availability of <br />capacity section are met, thereby allowing a programmed expansion to be considered for capacity <br />determination purposes. Through contact with other county departments, planning staff are able to <br />modify capacity estimates as soon as facility characteristics are changed. <br />Table 6.17 depicts the general structure of the monitoring system database file for each public facility <br />category. That table shows that available capacity for each specific facility is a function of total <br />capacity less existing demand and less committed demand. The demand section of this concurrency <br />management plan identifies the methodology for assessing demand. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014- <br />48 <br />