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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Table 6.7 summarizes the County's forecasted revenue for fiscal years 2013/14 through 2017/18. <br />Those revenues include the County's general governmental funds, enterprise funds, and internal funds. <br />As table 6.7 shows, general revenue collected by the County is forecast to decrease in fiscal year <br />2014/15, increase slightly in the third year, maintain almost the same level in the fourth year as the <br />third year, and increase in the fifth fiscal year. Even with the increases in the third, fourth and fifth <br />fiscal years, general revenue is forecast to decrease from $298,056,592 in FY 2013/14 to <br />$286,802,596 in FY 2017/18. <br />Source: Indian River County Office of Management ana tsuageE. <br />• Earmarked Projected Revenues <br />Earmarked revenues are revenues that are restricted in terms of use. Such revenues may be found in <br />the Transportation Element, Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element, Potable Water Sub -Element, and Solid <br />Waste Sub -Element. <br />Table 6.8 provides a summary of earmarked revenue forecasts by applicable comprehensive plan <br />element for fiscal years 2013/14 through 2017/18. As shown in table 6.8, forecasted transportation <br />revenues are broken down by their sources. Earmarked forecasted transportation revenues are <br />expected to increase by 13.93% over the next five fiscal years, from $20,109,471 in FY 2013/14 to <br />$22,910,000 in FY 2017/18. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- 29 <br />