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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Policy 1.12: The county hereby adopts the 2013 — 2014 through 2017 - 2018 Indian River County <br />School District Five -Year Facilities Work Plan. The Indian River County School District Five -Year <br />Facilities Work Plan will be evaluated and updated annually to reflect existing and future public <br />school facility needs of the county. This will ensure that the Indian River County School District <br />Five -Year Facilities Work Plan is financially feasible and that the adopted level -of -service standard <br />for public schools is achieved and maintained. <br />Obiective 2: Development in Coastal Hiah Hazard Areas <br />Through 2030, development in coastal high hazard areas will not increase beyond the density or <br />intensity levels indicated on the current Future Land Use Map. <br />Policy 2.1: The coastal high hazard area is defined as the area of the county designated as evacuation <br />zones for a category one hurricane. <br />Policy .2: The county shall not increase land use density and intensity, in the coastal high hazard <br />area, beyond that reflected in the county's current Future Land Use Map. <br />Polic�2.3: The county shall make appropriations for infrastructure in coastal high hazard areas only <br />to maintain the adopted level -of -service standards. <br />Police 2.4: The county shall ensure that the replacement of infrastructure in the coastal high hazard <br />area will be limited to maintaining the adopted level -of -service standards. <br />Policy 2.5: The county shall require that all developments and all single-family units in coastal high <br />hazard areas fully pay the cost for required infrastructure improvements through impact fees, capacity <br />charges, developer dedications, assessments, and contributions. <br />Policy 2.6: The county shall not use public funds to subsidize increased density or intensity of urban <br />development in coastal high hazard areas; however, public beach, shoreline access, resource <br />restoration, or similar projects maybe constructed. <br />Obiective 3: Maintenance of Established Level -of -Service Standards <br />Through 2030, adopted levels -of -service will be maintained for all concurrency facilities. <br />Policy 3.1: The county hereby adopts the concurrency management system as described within this <br />element. The county shall maintain Land Development Regulation (LDR) Chapter 910, Concurrency <br />Management System, which implements the plan's concurrency management system. In accordance <br />with the concurrency management system of this plan and LDR Ch. 910, the county will not approve <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- <br />52 <br />