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F," -- <br />:JAN � N 191983 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Release of Easement - Matakaetis, Oslo Park <br />The Board reviewed.staff recommendation: <br />� Kire� a�E <br />TO: The Honorable Members of the DATE: December 27, 1982 FILE: 1182-12-04-010 <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />THROUGH: Michael Wright SUBJECT: RELEASE OF EASEMENT REQUEST <br />County Administrator BY MARK MATAKAETIS - SUBJECT <br />PROPERTY: LOTS 19 AND 20, BLOCK <br />DIVI ON HEAD C CURRENC : A, OSLO PARK SUBDIVISION, UNIT 3 <br />Pry buce King . <br />`' a. REFERENCES: <br />Charles Kindig <br />Zoning Inspector <br />This is in response to a Release of Easement request by Mark Matakaetis, <br />owner of the subject property. It is recommended that the data herein <br />presented be given formal consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS: <br />The County has been petitioned by Mark Matakaetis to release the common side <br />lot 5 foot easements of Lots 19 and 20; Block A, **Oslo Park Subdivision, Unit 3. <br />The request has been reviewed by Southern Bell, Florida Power and Light, <br />Flm-ida`Cablc, Inc. and the Utility and Right -of -4,W Departments. The Zoning <br />staff analysis, which includes a site visit, showed that drainage would be <br />adequately handled by the existing front, rear and side swales. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS: <br />After site inspection by Zoning Inspector Charles Kiridig, it is the Zoning <br />Department's opinion that to release the common side lot 5 foot easements <br />Of lots 19 and 20, Block A, Oslo Park Subdivision, Unit 3, would have no <br />adverse effect and would allow the petitioner to utilize these 2 lots as one <br />larger, single family residential lot. However, if the easements are not <br />released, the petitioner will be denied his request to utilize these 2 lots as <br />one :larger parcel. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends the release of the common side lot 5 foot easements of lots <br />19 and 20, Block A, Oslo Park Subdivision, Unit 3. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Lyons, the Board unanimously <br />adopted Resolution 83-5, approving Release of <br />the common side lot 5' easements of Lots 19 <br />12 <br />