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Sec 930.11. <br />Sec. 930.12. <br />Sec. 930.13. <br />Sec. 930.14. <br />Sec. 930.15. <br />Sec. 930.16. <br />Section 930.01. Short title. <br />ORDINANCE 2012-036 <br />Floodplain development inspections. <br />Administrative duties. <br />Variances and appeals. Appealpr-eeedwe-. <br />Violations and Notice. <br />Vested rights. <br />Disclaimer of liability. <br />This chapter shall be known as the "Indian River County Stormwater Management and <br />Flood Protection Ordinance." <br />Section 930.02. Purpose and scope. <br />(1) The purpose of this chapter is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the <br />citizens of Indian River County; to implement those policies and objectives found in the drainage <br />sub -element of the county's comprehensive plan; to ensure protection of land and improvements <br />together with natural resources through the use of responsible stormwater management and flood <br />protection practices; and to ensure replenishment of the county's aquifer systems to provide a <br />continuing usable water supply; to reduce stormwater pollutant loading of the Indian River <br />Lagoon; and to provide proper floodplain management. <br />(2) The provisions of the floodplain regulations in this chapter shall applyto o all <br />development including but not limited to the subdivision of land; filling grading, and other site <br />improvements and utility installations; construction, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, <br />improvement replacement repair, relocation or demolition of buildings, structures, and facilities that <br />are exempt from the Florida Building C, ode; placement, installation, or replacement of manufactured <br />homes and manufactured buildings; installation or replacement of tanks; placement of recreational <br />vehicles; installation of swimming_ pools; and M other development, in the unincorporated area of <br />Indian River County that is wholly within or partially within any flood hazard area. <br />(3) The purpose of the floodplain regulations in this chapter and the flood load and <br />flood resistant construction requirements of the Florida Building Code is to establish minimum <br />requirements to safeguard the public health safety, and general welfare and to minimize public <br />and private losses due to flooding through regulation of development in flood hazard areas to: <br />1. Minimize unnecessary disruption of commerce, access and public service during <br />times of flooding; <br />2. Require the use of appropriate construction practices in order to prevent or minimize <br />future flood damage; <br />3. Manage filling grading, dredging, mining, paving excavating and drilling <br />operations storage of equipment or materials and other development which may <br />increase flood damage or erosion potential; <br />Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />11 <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Desktop\Revised IRC Flood Protect Ord final 10-26-12.rtf <br />