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ORDINANCE 2012-029 <br />4. Record the information on sketch; <br />5. Summarize the information for each day of the study and compile the <br />information for analysis; and <br />6. Factor in a peak season demand; <br />7. Include an analysis section that derives a total parking demand number and <br />compares that number plus the fifteen (15) percent safety factor referenced in <br />8. Include a conclusions section which, based upon the date and analysis, <br />proposes a reduced total parking number, if warranted. <br />(d) In lieu of the information required in (c) above, the public works director or his <br />designee may accept empirical studies of parking rates for a land use that is the <br />same as or similar to the proposed use, if the study conforms to methodological <br />Standards acceptable to the traffic engineering and planning professions. <br />(de) Fifteen (15) percent of the highest fifteen -minute accumulation period Faustshall be <br />added as a safety factor to the maximum number of spaces occupied during the <br />highest fifteen -minute period. <br />(ef) The signed and sealed parking accumulation study shall be reviewed by the county <br />public works director or his designee, in coordination withand the community <br />development director or his designee. The petition and the recommendations of the <br />county public works director or his designee, in coordination with them <br />community development director or his designee wi44shall then be forwarded to the <br />planning and zoning commission for final action. Any appeal shall be handled the <br />same as a site plan appeal pursuant to Chapter 902. <br />SECTION #3: <br />Amend LDR Section 954.08(3), No similar use study, to read as follows: <br />(3) No similar use study. For uses which are not listed in section 954.05 of this chapter <br />and where the applicant so desires, the applicant may conduct a parking accumulation study to <br />determine a parking standard for the subject use. The parking standard for the subject use willshall <br />be determined after submittal and review of the following information, a determination by the <br />public works director or his designee in coordination with thea-nd community development <br />director or his designee, that the standards specified herein have been met, and approval by the <br />planning and zoning commission. <br />(a) A parking accumulation study shall be prepared by a registered engineer and <br />submitted with a site plan application. The study mus shall be signed and sealed by a <br />Florida -licensed, professional engineer. <br />(b) A pre -study meeting is required between the petitioner's engineer and the county <br />public works director or his designee to set forth the parameters of the study (number <br />of days, hours of the day, site(s) to be studied). <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 1 1 <br />cis- throff"r Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-029 954 off-street parking.doc <br />
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