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ORDINANCE 2012-029 <br />a. The vehicle storage lot use is allowed in the zoning district in which the storage lot is <br />proposed. <br />b. The storage lot surface shall be stabilized, in a manner suitable for the proposed use, <br />as approved by the public works director or his designee. <br />C. A type "CO" buffer with six (6) foot (or greater) opaque feature shall be provided on <br />the storage lot site where the site abuts a collector or arterial roadway, or a local <br />roadway where property opposite the storage lot site is not zoned CH, IL, or IG. <br />Along a local roadway where property opposite the storage lot site is zoned CH, IL, <br />or IG, a type "CO" buffer with three (3) foot (or greater) opaque feature shall be <br />provided. <br />d. The storage lot shall be buffered from any residentially designated property as <br />required in Chapter 911. <br />e. Stormwater management facilities shall provide the greater of: <br />Detention or retention of the increase in runoff from the mean annual twenty- <br />four -hour storm; or <br />2. One (1) inch of runoff. <br />f. The site plan shall note that all required parking spaces are provided separately from <br />the storage lot surface and that the required parking space surface conforms with the <br />requirements for such parking spaces. <br />SECTION 95: <br />Amend LDR Section 954.09. Off-street loading regulations, to read as follows: <br />These requirements shall apply to all commercial and industrial uses. <br />(1) A minimum number of loading spaces or berths shall be provided and maintained as <br />follows: <br />Building(s) Size in sq. ft. Over <br />but not over <br />No. of Spaces/Berths <br />5,000 <br />24,999 <br />Restaurants and Industrial: 1 <br />25,000 <br />59,999 <br />Industrial and Commercial: 2 <br />60,000 <br />119,999 <br />Industrial and Commercial: 3 <br />120,000 <br />199,999 <br />Industrial and Commercial: 4 <br />200,000 <br />Industrial and Commercial: 5 <br />Note: packing houses shall provide loading spaces as specified in section 954.05, also <br />convalescent homes shall provide a loading space as specified in section 954.05. <br />Bald Underline: Additions to Ordinance 13 <br />Str 1 h: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-029 954 off-street parking.doc <br />