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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:00:00 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:21:11 PM
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n <br />1 <br />i <br />1 <br />The County Depository filed its.mouthly.statements, showing the receipts and die- <br />bursements ofthe several funds, which having been audited, were found to be correct. <br />On motion made, seconded and carried the Board then adjourned until Tuesday, <br />January 20th 1931. <br />rman. <br />TUESDAY JANUARY 20th 1931. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Court House in Vero Beach, on Tuesday, January 20th 19319 at 10 o'clock A.M.with <br />the following members of the Board presents Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman; J.D.Yongue; <br />J. W. LaBruce; J.J.P.Ramilton and Eli C Walker. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk <br />and Clark S. Rice, Sheriff. <br />R�. Hardee, of Sebastian appeared before the Board regarding the road work on <br />road known as continuation of King's Highway Borth. The matter was taken under con- <br />sideration. <br />Mr. Nettles representing the Department of Agriculture appeared before the Board <br />respecting the County.Agricultural Agent. E. G. Thatcher also appeared regarding the <br />County Agricultural Agent. After considerable discussion, it was moved, seconded and <br />carried that the extension department of the State Agricultural department be advised <br />the County has withdrawn its appropriation for this work for the year 1931. Upon being <br />put to a vote the following voted: Yea: Talker, Hamilton and Yongue. No LaB ruce and <br />Helseth. <br />j Mrs Elizabeth Carleton appeared before the Board respecting the delinquent taxes <br />on" her property. <br />Mrs. Martin appeared requesting aid while her husband is being confined in jail to <br />serve a sentence for stealing chickens. <br />Otis M. Cobb, County Judge, appeared before the Board respecting the conditions <br />of children of Mrs Mary Laura Wood at Wabasso and requesting $20.00 now being given <br />to Mrs. Wood be given the children and they be placed in the mai Children's Home <br />Society of Jacksonville, Florida. It was ordered that the $20.00 per month now paid <br />Mrs. Wood out of the mother's Pension Fund be paid for the maintenance of these children <br />Clark S. Rice, .Sheriff appeared before the Board regarding the motorcycle officer <br />heretofore on duty, advising that during this month there had been 17 wrecks and two <br />persons killed on the highways. No action was taken. <br />Walter T. James appeared before the Doard respecting the request of the School <br />Board to permit Miss Bunkley to continue the use of car she has been using, for the <br />balance of the present school term. It was ordered that the car be turned over to the <br />School Board for their use for the remainder of this school year. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the motorcycle owned by the County be sold <br />to the Sheriff for $150.00. <br />It was ordered that warrant #762 dated Dec 2nd 1930 issued on the Publicity Fund <br />be cancelled. <br />./ <br />W.R.Duncan, Tax assessor, filed his semi-annual statement of fees and commissions <br />received for the sig months period ending December 31st 1930. Such report being recorded <br />as follows: <br />
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