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MAR 16 198 <br />Fund and the Special Revenue Fund ended up the year with a <br />strong fund balance, which is very commendable. <br />Commissioner Wodtke felt that when the lay person looks <br />at this audit, it appears to them that we have more <br />expenditures than revenues, and that is illegal. He felt <br />that perhaps we had better explain further about our other <br />revenue sources. <br />Mr. Vodenicker explained that the next page compares <br />budget to actual, and in fact, it is possible to expend more <br />money than you bring in because of surpluses and other <br />sources that are not classified aw revenue items. <br />Mr.Vodenicker continued to review the financial report, <br />stating that actually the Board not only wav_very <br />conservative in their budgeting, but they also underspent <br />during the year with the result that.the General Fund is in <br />a strong financial position and the County is taking a <br />sufficient amount of surplus into the new fiscal year. <br />On pages 38 and 39, however, the Water and Sewer <br />enterprise fund shows considerably more current liabilities <br />than current assets. Mr. VQdenicker commented that although <br />he recognized the County is trying to remedy this situation, <br />this is not a good position to be in. The Solid Waste <br />enterprise fund, on the other hand, is in strong financial <br />shape. <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt something needs to be said <br />about this situation. He did not believe we have clearly <br />communicated to the public the extremely difficult situation <br />we were faced with by being more or less forced to purchase <br />sewer systems which were in dire straits and trying to <br />improve them, which has necessitated raising the rates <br />significantly. He pointed out that the previous owners of <br />these systems were operating at a loss. <br />Commissioner Wodtke agreed that hundreds of people from <br />different areas have shown up at the Commission meetings <br />14 <br />