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VA R 16 1983 <br />11 <br />R 53 ow 34 <br />To date, reconstruction of two of the crossings, South Winter <br />Beach Road and Hobart Road, have been completed. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />It is recommended that Alternative No. 2 be approved whereby <br />the County would pay $30,000 of the $109,200 cost with budgeted <br />funds and authorize a budget ammendment transferring $79,200 from - <br />the Secondary Road Trust Fund to Account #004-243-519-34.46 (Public <br />Works - F.E.C. Payments) to fund the unbudgeted cost. Furthermore, <br />it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners adopt a <br />resolution informing the F.E.C. that unless the F.E.C. notifies <br />the County in March of each year prior to the next Fiscal years <br />budget adoption as to the crossings scheduled for reconstruction <br />and the proposed cost, budgeted funds will not be available and <br />the County will not pay the cost until .the next Fiscal year. <br />Jim Davis explained that for the last six months, we <br />have been communicating with the P,.E.C. about improving <br />certain crossings in the County. The program is such that <br />the F.E.C. simply notifies the County that they are going to <br />begin improving crossings and will bill us for the cost. We <br />have written back stating we don't have budgeted funds <br />available to accomplish the 7 crossings they have proposed; <br />however, they have written back stating that -if we don't <br />have the money now, we can enter into a 4 -year payment plan. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, that the <br />Board accept staff recommendation, <br />Alternate #2, in regard to paying the <br />$109,200 and indicate to the F.E.C. that, <br />in the future, we need to be notified of <br />such costs prior to budget adoption or the <br />money will not be available. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked if this will all be paid this <br />year. It was explained that payment will not be made until <br />the project is done, which might be the next fiscal year. <br />THE QUESTION WAS CALLED by Chairman Bird. <br />The Motion was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />34 <br />