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ORDINANCE 2012-020 <br />6. Notwithstanding the applicable buffering requirements contained in section <br />911. 10, a Type B landscape buffer with six -ice foot opaque feature shall be <br />provided between all structures and adjacent properties zoned for single- <br />family residential use. <br />7. Building containing storage units shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) <br />square feet in floor area each and shall not exceed one hundred thousand <br />(100,000) square feet of floor area for all buildings. <br />8. Access shall only be to arterial or collector roadways and in no case through <br />areas zoned for residential use. <br />9. No utilities (other than air conditioning) may be supplied to storage units. <br />10. Hours of operation shall be limited to between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Prior <br />to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall provide <br />appropriate signage on the site stating the hours of operation of the facility. <br />11. Buildings may not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. <br />SECTION #6: <br />Amend LDR Section 971.14(4)(c) and (d), educational facilities additional information <br />requirements and criteria, to read as follows: <br />(c) Additional information requirements: <br />A site plan which denotes the location of all existing and proposed <br />structures, recreational facilities, loading and unloading area, bus <br />queuing areas, drop-off/pick-up areas, and parking facilities;: and the <br />proposed The site plan shall also include a safety/security plan and a <br />pedestrian and vehicular circulation plan, pursuant to the requirements of <br />Chapter 914; <br />2. A description of the anticipated student service area and projected <br />enrollment, by proiect phase if applicable, shall be provided; <br />3. A copy of all requisite licenses from State of Florida. <br />(d) Criteria for educational facilities: <br />Sites for secondary schools shall be located near thoroughfares so as to <br />discourage traffic along local residential streets in residential subdivisions. <br />Elementary schools should be discouraged from locating adjacent to major <br />arterial roadways; <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 7 <br />StAW thFOUgli Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-020 971 Spec Land Uses.doc <br />