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ORDINANCE 2012-019 <br />(ba) In order to simplify staff review, each large proiect traffic impact psis study <br />will be mquir-ed to shall follow the outline defined below. Further definition and <br />clarification of the items listed on the outline may be found in subsequent sections. <br />Figures and maps are to be used to the maximum extent possible. <br />1. Traffic Impact Study Executive Summary; <br />4-2. Title page; <br />2-3. Letter of transmittal; <br />-34. Table of contents: <br />a. List of figures; <br />b. List of tables; <br />45. Introduction (includes description and location of project, current and <br />proposed zoning both address and map format, size of the project and any <br />other pertinent information such as phasing and project build -out); <br />-56. Summary of pre -application conference and traffic impact study <br />methodology; <br />67. Inventory of existing conditions (includes listing of all segments within the <br />study area, source of traffic count data, and identification of roadway <br />characteristics); <br />-78. Trip generation methodology (including daily and peak hour volumes); <br />$9. Percent new trips; <br />910. Internal capture (used for e* mixed use projects only); <br />4-011. Traffic distribution and assignment methodology; <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 7 <br />Stfike-threugh: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-019 952 and 910 Traffic.doc <br />