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Exhibit "A" <br />Dgrra 'A of 6 <br />Notes: <br />1) Primary Setback (PSB) = setback from property line/ROW line to primary building fa4ade, front face (wall) of the building mass. <br />2) Secondary Setback (SSB) = setback from property line to building elements that are allowed within a primary setback or primary structure or garage (building <br />elements include: arcades, colonnades, balconies, porches, terraces, stoops, and roof overhangs) Refer to Building Type Disposition diagrams. <br />3) Interior Side Setback = setback from shared side property line to building face (doesn't include end or corner lots abutting streets or open spaces). <br />4) Building Elements Zone (BEZ) = the area between the Primary Setback and Secondary Setback that allows for limited building elements to occur depending on <br />building type and location. Building Elements include: arcades, colonnades, balconies, awnings, porches, decks, terraces and stoops. <br />5) Building Coverage = the maximum area of a lot which may be occupied by a structure. (Expressed by ratio/percentage) Arcades, open porches, decks, terraces and <br />stoops are excluded from the calculation. <br />6) Open Space = the area of a lot that is occupied by natural vegetation, pervious landscaping, and unroofed building elements that have pervious surfaces. (i.e.: <br />open wood decking, pervious pavers, gravel, pools, etc.) <br />7) Impervious Area = the maximum area of a lot which may be occupied by a structure, building element or impervious surface material. <br />8) T.U. = a garage that is tucked -under building (rear -loaded); an attached garage with living space above. <br />9) See plan diagrams (Building Disposition, Sheet A-5) for building envelope. <br />10) Allowed projections (beyond any setback) include roof overhangs and gutters up to 36" max. and must be 7'-0" min. above grade. <br />11) Minimum Setback = a setback that is required to be "no less than" the dimension noted but can be greater than, as per the Building Disposition diagrams. <br />12) Maximum Setback = a setback that is required to be "no greater than" the dimension noted but can be less than, as per the Building Disposition diagrams. <br />13) All garages labeled on the Building Disposition diagrams are shown as 2 -car garages. However, 1 -car or 3 -car garages are allowed. <br />14) The Building Disposition diagrams show a yellow shade indicating building areas; hatched areas indicating secondary building elements that may or may not be <br />pervious; and the remaining space is for Court Yards, or Yards with landscape and <br />hardscape areas and may or may not be pervious - All lots must provide minimum open space listed in the table above. <br />15) Allowed projections (up to 4') on side and rear setbacks include: chimneys, egress stairs, mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment, and must be screened <br />from public view. <br />16) Swimming pools, spas and Jacuzzis are allowed but must be in -ground with formed -concrete shell material, located behind a wall or other structure, screened <br />from public view. Pool terraces or patios at grade with masonry, concrete, stone or tile surfaces are allowed. Raised wood pool decks are prohibited. Reflecting <br />pools, fountains and other decorative landscape water features are allowed anywhere on the lot but must be approved by the town architect or architectural design <br />review board. <br />* = at shared Interior Property Line, adjacent lot setback varies: 0' required setback on one side and a greater required setback on other side; building types G, H, J are <br />each different (see dimensions in table and plan diagrams) <br />** = front -loaded garages must be turned sideways or "side -loaded" onto an Auto Court <br />*** = front -loaded garages must be turned sideways or "side -loaded" onto an Auto Court or be setback 50' min. with a side drive. <br />**** = at shared Interior Property Line, adjacent lot setback varies: 4' minimum required setback on one lot and 5' minimum required on the adjacent lot <br />A = Refer to the Building Disposition diagrams - Intent is to keep facades close to the property line, with 8' PSB/ 12' max. PSB at corner lots (Same for Garages) <br />AA = Lake/Golf Estate House (L) criteria shown are the minimums. There are 3 Alternates (Ll, L2, & L3), where the alternates differ from the minimums listed refer to <br />"Additional Building Type Data for Alternate Design Types" below <br />LOT SIZE (WXD) <br />MINIMUM <br />SIDESETBACKS 1 uyJ_ <br />SECONDARY <br />SECONDARY <br />INTERIOR <br />CORNER <br />LOT AREA <br />PRIMARY BLDG. <br />BLDG. ELEMENTS <br />PRIMARY BLDG. <br />BLDG. <br />GARAGE INTERIOR & <br />INTERIOR (PSB) <br />CORNER (PSB) <br />ELEMENTS <br />CORNER(PSB) <br />(INTERIORSSB) <br />(CORNERSSB) <br />MIXED-USE COMMERCIAL <br />A <br />24'X 80' <br />40'X80' <br />1,920 sf <br />0' min. <br />O' min. <br />15' mut. <br />0' min. <br />N/A <br />LIVEWORK I iNIT <br />B <br />24'X 80' <br />28'X 80' <br />1,9204 <br />O' min. <br />O' min. <br />0' min./ 4' ntax. <br />0' min. <br />0' min. <br />xd; URBAN TOWNHOUSE <br />C <br />2Z' X 50' <br />30'X 50' <br />1,100 sf <br />0' min. <br />O' min. <br />0' min./ 8' or 12'max," <br />0' min. <br />0' min. int./ N/A corner <br />-? NBHD. TOWNHOUSENF <br />D <br />24'X 80'or100' <br />32' X 80'or 100' <br />1,9204 <br />0' min. <br />0' min. <br />8' min. <br />2' min. <br />0' min. int./ 8' min. corner <br />NBHD. TOWNHOI )SEBF <br />F <br />42' X 80'or 100' <br />S0' X 80'or 100' <br />3,360.if <br />O' mina <br />0' min. <br />8' mut. <br />2' ntin. <br />O' min. int./ 8' min. corner <br />COURTYARD HOI TSF <br />G <br />36' X 80'or100' <br />42' X 80'or 100' <br />2,880 sf <br />O' min. or 6' min.' <br />0' min. <br />1' min. <br />O' min. <br />O' min. int./ I' min. corner <br />COI !RTYARD HOI ISE BF <br />H <br />50' X 80'or 100' <br />55' X 80'or 100' <br />4,000 of <br />O' min. or 6' min.* <br />0' min. <br />1' Min. <br />0' min. <br />0' min. int./ 1' min. corner <br />GOLF COTTAGE <br />I <br />50' X 80'or 100' <br />50' X 80'or 100' <br />4,000 sf <br />5' min. or <br />5' min. or <br />U min. <br />0' min. <br />5' min. int/ 6' min. corner <br />4' min.**** <br />4' min.**** <br />SIDEYARD HOI ISE <br />I <br />16'X 100' <br />42' X 200' <br />3,600 sf <br />0'min. or 10' min* <br />0' ntin. <br />O' minor 10' thin* <br />0' min. <br />O' ntin. <br />COTTAGE <br />K <br />42'X 100' <br />50' X 100' <br />4200 A <br />U nnn. <br />V min. <br />12' ntin. <br />4' ntin. <br />3' min. <br />LAKF/GOLF ESTATE HOI ISE^ <br />L <br />I00' X 95' <br />1 00' X 95' <br />9,5004- <br />10' mut. <br />O' min. <br />10' min. <br />4' min. <br />O' min. int./ V min. corner <br />Notes: <br />1) Primary Setback (PSB) = setback from property line/ROW line to primary building fa4ade, front face (wall) of the building mass. <br />2) Secondary Setback (SSB) = setback from property line to building elements that are allowed within a primary setback or primary structure or garage (building <br />elements include: arcades, colonnades, balconies, porches, terraces, stoops, and roof overhangs) Refer to Building Type Disposition diagrams. <br />3) Interior Side Setback = setback from shared side property line to building face (doesn't include end or corner lots abutting streets or open spaces). <br />4) Building Elements Zone (BEZ) = the area between the Primary Setback and Secondary Setback that allows for limited building elements to occur depending on <br />building type and location. Building Elements include: arcades, colonnades, balconies, awnings, porches, decks, terraces and stoops. <br />5) Building Coverage = the maximum area of a lot which may be occupied by a structure. (Expressed by ratio/percentage) Arcades, open porches, decks, terraces and <br />stoops are excluded from the calculation. <br />6) Open Space = the area of a lot that is occupied by natural vegetation, pervious landscaping, and unroofed building elements that have pervious surfaces. (i.e.: <br />open wood decking, pervious pavers, gravel, pools, etc.) <br />7) Impervious Area = the maximum area of a lot which may be occupied by a structure, building element or impervious surface material. <br />8) T.U. = a garage that is tucked -under building (rear -loaded); an attached garage with living space above. <br />9) See plan diagrams (Building Disposition, Sheet A-5) for building envelope. <br />10) Allowed projections (beyond any setback) include roof overhangs and gutters up to 36" max. and must be 7'-0" min. above grade. <br />11) Minimum Setback = a setback that is required to be "no less than" the dimension noted but can be greater than, as per the Building Disposition diagrams. <br />12) Maximum Setback = a setback that is required to be "no greater than" the dimension noted but can be less than, as per the Building Disposition diagrams. <br />13) All garages labeled on the Building Disposition diagrams are shown as 2 -car garages. However, 1 -car or 3 -car garages are allowed. <br />14) The Building Disposition diagrams show a yellow shade indicating building areas; hatched areas indicating secondary building elements that may or may not be <br />pervious; and the remaining space is for Court Yards, or Yards with landscape and <br />hardscape areas and may or may not be pervious - All lots must provide minimum open space listed in the table above. <br />15) Allowed projections (up to 4') on side and rear setbacks include: chimneys, egress stairs, mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment, and must be screened <br />from public view. <br />16) Swimming pools, spas and Jacuzzis are allowed but must be in -ground with formed -concrete shell material, located behind a wall or other structure, screened <br />from public view. Pool terraces or patios at grade with masonry, concrete, stone or tile surfaces are allowed. Raised wood pool decks are prohibited. Reflecting <br />pools, fountains and other decorative landscape water features are allowed anywhere on the lot but must be approved by the town architect or architectural design <br />review board. <br />* = at shared Interior Property Line, adjacent lot setback varies: 0' required setback on one side and a greater required setback on other side; building types G, H, J are <br />each different (see dimensions in table and plan diagrams) <br />** = front -loaded garages must be turned sideways or "side -loaded" onto an Auto Court <br />*** = front -loaded garages must be turned sideways or "side -loaded" onto an Auto Court or be setback 50' min. with a side drive. <br />**** = at shared Interior Property Line, adjacent lot setback varies: 4' minimum required setback on one lot and 5' minimum required on the adjacent lot <br />A = Refer to the Building Disposition diagrams - Intent is to keep facades close to the property line, with 8' PSB/ 12' max. PSB at corner lots (Same for Garages) <br />AA = Lake/Golf Estate House (L) criteria shown are the minimums. There are 3 Alternates (Ll, L2, & L3), where the alternates differ from the minimums listed refer to <br />"Additional Building Type Data for Alternate Design Types" below <br />