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Attorney Brandenburg asked if the attorney representing <br />the Humane Society was prepared to answer the questions <br />raised in the above memo. <br />Attorney Wayne R. McDonough, representing the Humane <br />Society, addressed the Board and did not understand that <br />specific answers would be required this morning. He had <br />assumed his main purpose in coming today was to answer any <br />legal questions raised in regard to the Humane Society. The <br />Board requested he address the four aspects Attorney <br />Brandenburg felt should be reviewed. <br />Attorney McDonough explained that the reason they did <br />not include a specific time was because they are not sure <br />how long it will take to have their site plan approved. He <br />asked if the Board could give them an idea how long that <br />process might take. <br />Attorney Brandenburg commented that the contract is <br />written to close 45 days after the last contingency is met, <br />but there is no limitation on how long a time is allowed to <br />meet the contingencies. He suggested a reasonable period of <br />time - possibly four to six months to obtain site plan <br />approval. The Board felt it should be six months. <br />Discussion was held on the availability of water and <br />the cost, and it was determined that the County is <br />responsible for bringing the water line only up to the Road <br />& Bridge complex and the Humane Society is to bore and jack <br />the road and do whatever else is necessary to render <br />services to their property. Administrator Wright <br />recommended that the County do the line work, but noted the <br />Society will have to pay normal tap in and impact fees. <br />Under the bond convenants we cannot give away free water. <br />Joan Carlson, Executive Director of the Humane Society, <br />explained that the Department of Environmental Regulation <br />had done some gas meter readings on the site and will be <br />submitting recommendations on the site. <br />Also, they will be having the Health Department do pert <br />tests. There were perc tests and engineering tests c� <br />MAY 18 1983 31 BOOKcJ <br />