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the training period. The County will try to place them, but <br />has no responsibility to hire them. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />The Motion carried by a--3-1 vote, with <br />Commissioner Scurlock voting in opposition. <br />COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WORKSITE <br />EMPLOYER AND JOB TRAINING OPERATOR <br />UNDER THE FLORIDA JTPA PROGRAM <br />Work experience is a short term work assignment with a public <br />employer or a private non-profit employing agency and is designed <br />to enhance the employability of individuals who have never worked <br />or who recently have not been working in the competitive labor <br />force. <br />This work experience activity is designed to increase the employ- <br />ability of individuals by providing them with experience on a job, <br />an opportunity to develop occupational skills and good work <br />habits, and an occupational goal through exposure to various occu- <br />pational opportunities. <br />The Worksite Employer, Indian River County, hereby enters into an <br />agreement with the Operator, Martin County School Board, to meet <br />the following conditions for participation in the JTPA Program. <br />THE WORKSITE EMPLOYER AGREES TO: <br />1. Allow access by authorized program respresentative to premises <br />of the Worksite Employer at all reasonable hours for monitor- <br />ing of the worksite,.counseling with the participants, and <br />coordinating other work activities. <br />2. Maintain adequate accountability for participant's time and <br />attendance and submit signed time sheets every other Friday <br />for payroll purposes. <br />3. Affirm that the policies of the Worksite Employer are free of <br />discrimination because of race, sex, age, creed, color, <br />religion, or political affiliation and that participants in <br />the program will not be employed on the construction, opera- <br />tion, or maintenance of any facility as is used for sectarian <br />instruction, as a place for religious worship, or for partisan <br />political purposes. <br />4. Furnish meaningful work for the participants within the pur- <br />pose and scope of the training program and furnish equipment, <br />tools, materials, and supplies as required on the job. <br />Participants must be continuously occupied with useful produc- <br />tive work experience. <br />5. Recognize that participants will be provided with workman's <br />compensation insurance by the Job Training Operator. <br />6. Provide continuous worksite employer supervision to the parti- <br />cipants without compensation for the program. <br />7. Maintain the right to release a larticipant from the worksite <br />with good cause. <br />12 <br />DEC211983 BOOK 55 PACE <br />