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DEC 211983 tax - 5 <br />his own, he is eligible for unemployment compensation. The <br />question is, who pays for the unemployment compensation. <br />Administrator Wright felt that the County would be <br />responsible for a share of the unemployment compensation, <br />but C. B. Hardin, Personnel Directoz and Assistant to the <br />County Administrator, advised that the County would not. <br />Dr. Hardin explained that this agreement will be on a <br />contract basis. JTPA will be paying the salaries. <br />Administrator Wright explained that.he has no intention <br />of hiring anyone if it is not in the best interests of the <br />County, and it is possible the County may not even use this <br />program. If the County doer use the progra::, it :aill be -on <br />a very limited basis. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Bowman, that the Board <br />approve the Comprehensive Agreement between the <br />Worksite Employer, Indian River County, and the <br />Operator, Martin County School Board, under the <br />Florida Job Training Partnership Act. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Lyons fully agreed with <br />Commissioner Scurlock, but felt that if Administrator Wright <br />can find a way to use this in a constructive way, this gives <br />him the vehicle; he did hope, -however, that the County would <br />not get trapped into using it to excess. _ <br />Dr. Hardin emphasized that the County is under no y <br />obligation to hire anyone and that according to JTPA, the <br />reason for this contract is so that we would not be involved <br />with either the participants or the Martin County School <br />Board, which is the director of the program. This is a <br />contract to fulfill a contract by training the people. He <br />noted that in Paragraph 10 of the proposed agreement, the <br />County does not have to hire the participants at the end of <br />__ 11 <br />