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r MAR 7 1984 <br />BOOK 56 PA. GE - <br />Commissioner Wodtke expressed particular concern as to <br />health.problems connected with the citrus processing opera- <br />tion located near the south County line on U.S.1 which has <br />been dumping refuse in the drainage ditch. He did not feel <br />the operation out on I-95 presents the same problem. <br />Commissioner Wodtke further noted that Kennedy Groves runs a <br />citrus operation right at the end of 6th Avenue and U.S.1 <br />and handles it well and healthfully. He believed this <br />actually is more of a health problem than a zoning problem. <br />Planning Director Keating emphasized that Kennedy <br />Groves actually is a different type operation. Squeezing a <br />limited amount of juice for on-site sales, as Kennedy Groves <br />does, would be considered an accessory use and would be <br />acceptable, but when the principal use of the property is <br />for a.plant that is creating juice for wholesale <br />distribution outside the area, that is determined to be <br />processing, which is not allowed in C-1. The Board of <br />Adjustments agreed with staff on this definition. <br />Commissioner Lyons asked about pursuing the health <br />problem with the operation on south U.S.1, and Commissioner <br />Bird stated that the way they are running that operation <br />would not be acceptable to him in any zone. <br />Planning Director Keating confirmed that his department <br />did receive a number of letters of complaint from the <br />residents of the adjacent mobile home park. Since the <br />Health Department has limited enforcement authority, his <br />department has tried to work with these plants to alleviate <br />the major concerns, and he did believe a lot of the major <br />nuisance problem has been abated, at least temporarily. <br />In the continuing discussion, Commissioners Bird and <br />Lyons agreed to add the following to the Motion on the <br />floor: <br />50 <br />