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medicine in this case and would hate to think that action <br />would be taken only after a school bus ended up in a ditch <br />there. She also pointed out that the area is developing <br />rapidly and traffic undoubtedly will increase substantially. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that he has changed his <br />mind three or four times on this matter today, but he is now <br />convinced that the light is needed. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if anyone else wished to speak <br />,. on the matter. There were none. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION <br />to approve the installation of a traffic <br />light at the subject intersection. The Motion <br />carried by a 3-1 vote, with Commissioner <br />Wodtke dissenting, and Commissioner Bowman <br />absent. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST BY JOHN LU'T'HER TO REDESIGNATE <br />PROPERTY FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL 1 TO LOW DENSITY 1 <br />The hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. having passed, the Deputy <br />Clerk read the following Notice with Proof of Publication <br />attached, to wit: <br />24 <br />APR 4 1984 BOOK 56 PACE535 <br />