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APR 4 1994 BOOK 56 ?AcE631 <br />He emphasized, however, that he could not sit here and tell <br />Mr. Vernon that he will never have another increase. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that our philosophy and rate <br />structure both demonstrate that we are not asking the <br />present customer to subsidize future expansion, and <br />Administrator Wright emphasized that neither are we asking <br />them to subsidize problems that we have. Ixora Park will <br />cost us $2600 per unit just to bring them up and that is <br />before we lay the water lines. That is the philosophy of <br />the countywide rate system - everybody supports the problem <br />areas. This year it is Ixora Park, next year it may <br />Treasure Coast or Rockridge, etc. <br />Commissioner Lyons confirmed the Board's feeling that <br />expansion should be financed on its own and not impact <br />existing customers. <br />Mr. Vernon believed if the Commission is looking <br />forward in regard to expansion, they are on the right track. <br />He felt in the past, they did not look very far ahead. He <br />continued that he hoped the County would force those in <br />Ixora Park who have not moved their fences off the easements <br />to do so. so that the new lines can be put in and the people <br />can have the quality water for which they are paying. <br />Virginia Bridwell of 125 20th Ave. S.W., informed the <br />Board that people in Ixora Park are getting paranoid about <br />their increasing expenses. They have been forced to move <br />their fences, and, in fact, she just paid $300 to have her <br />fence moved even though she had obtained a permit to have it <br />erected originally and no one told her it was in the wrong <br />place. She wished to.know just how much more expense she <br />- could expect.. <br />Chairman Scurlock inquired about her average monthly <br />gallonage, and Ms. Bridwell stated that it would be minimum. <br />She was informed that, based on using 2,000 gallons, she <br />would have a $2.23 increase. <br />16 <br />