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against franchise holders such as Tanen and Salter, and we _ <br />have pursued an aggressive policy to put stringent <br />provisions in the new franchises to prevent the franchise <br />holder from letting these systems get into such diffi- <br />culties. Further, when it comes to paying, we do not go to <br />the taxpayer. This utility system is set up as an <br />enterprise fund and is supported by the rate structure; the <br />expenses are the expenses of trying to run an efficient <br />operation to pay the electric bill - the improvements - <br />the mortgage, etc. The County is not in the business to <br />make a profit, or even get a fair rate of return on equity - <br />we just want to see that those who use the service pay for <br />it and not the taxpayer. A certain dollar package must be <br />collected, and he believed the only possible disagreement <br />that can come is in arguing that you can charge this group <br />of people a little more or you could reduce the sewer cap to <br />6,000 gallons and raise the base charge, etc. That is why we <br />hired a professional to tell us the best way to do it. <br />The Chairman pointed out that one definite benefit the <br />people have now is that they finally have the reliability of <br />the County operating the system. He did not believe that <br />anyone down there can say they have not seen improvement and <br />that it is not improving daily. <br />Mr. Vernon stated that although the water is better, it <br />is still poor, but he realized that this will continue until <br />the County can put in the new lines. Mr. Vernon pointed out <br />that they have had a fourfold increase over the last few <br />years and wished to know how long it will be before they get <br />another increase after this. He wished to know what the <br />County has in the planning stages. <br />Chairman Scurlock informed him of the County's plan to <br />extend lines out Route 60 and explained how monies were <br />collected from developers to accomplish this improvement. <br />15 <br />BOOK - 56 PAGE 630 <br />