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APR 4 1984 BOOK 56"PAGE�� <br />lawns, etc. He noted our older citizens on fixed incomes <br />cannot afford this and asked if this had been taken into <br />consideration. <br />Mr. Raftelis pointed out that the problem you would get <br />into if the cap were lowered to 5,000 or 6,000 gallons is <br />that there would be a large percentage of water returned to <br />the sewer that would not be charged for. <br />Chairman Scurlock stressed that this would result in <br />the base charge having to increase, and Mr. Pinto agreed, <br />noting that then the lower income person would be carrying <br />the burden and the person with a little better position who <br />uses a whole lot more water would get off scot free. <br />Chairman Scurlock emphasized that conservation also is <br />an important factor, and serious consideration was given to <br />an inverted rate structure which highly penalizes excessive <br />uses of water. <br />Commissioner Lyons believed the sewer cap for the City <br />of Vero Beach is the same, and staff confirmed that it was. <br />Mr. Vernon stated that he felt that the County <br />Commission has fallen down on the job. They let the <br />developer of Ixora Park, Melvin Tanen, get away scot free. <br />He got a rate increase and didn't do a thing to improve the <br />system; the DER found him in default, but he has never been <br />fined. All Mr. Tanen did was get rid of a lemon by dumping <br />it on the County Commission, and now the Commission is <br />coming back and charging the same old taxpayer again. Mr. <br />Vernon wished to know just how long the County can keep <br />making these mistakes and keep coming back to the citizens. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt it is tremendously interesting <br />that some of the greatest debate we get is in the area where <br />we have to spend the most money and make major improvements <br />to bail them out. He did not feel the Commission is to <br />blame; in fact, quite the opposite. The Chairman emphasized <br />that we pursued every legal recourse we had available <br />14 <br />