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Director Pinto suggested since we also depend on state <br />regulation, that we take the state law on requirements and <br />adopt them into our franchise as our law, and if it is <br />possible, the Utility Departments involvement would be no <br />more than asking for the franchise and giving Mr. Galanis <br />the authority to follow it through and take it to our own <br />local board if there is a problem. He stressed that haulers <br />are not a utility; they are not sewage treatment plants, and <br />we would prefer to be out of the picture altogether except <br />that they are dumping at the Landfill and creating a <br />tremendous problem, which must be resolved. <br />Mr. Pinto informed the Board that they had also looked <br />at the possibility of franchising the operation that is <br />proposing to accept and treat the septage, but that <br />operation had so many aspects, i.e., turning the septage <br />into a bi-product and selling it, using the water from the <br />process to irrigate a nursery, etc., that he did not feel we <br />would want to become involved in regulating it. <br />Commissioner Bird believed that what we are trying to <br />accomplish is more like a license, and wished to know if we <br />can't handle this with a license rather than a franchise, <br />which he felt grants a territory and a certain exclusive- <br />ness. <br />Administrator Wright believed that what we are trying <br />to do is use the franchise part of the ordinance but make it <br />a license, and Director Pinto confirmed that what he is <br />saying is take the franchise rules and make them part of the <br />license. <br />Chairman Scurlock suggested that the Board authorize <br />staff to iron out the details and bring back a recommenda- <br />tion. The Board members agreed. <br />George McCullers, septage hauler, stated that he <br />personally could not see any advantage in having a <br />franchise. He noted that his trucks are numbered and <br />13 <br />APR 111984 gooK 56 FACE697 <br />