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THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />The Motion was voted on and carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br />IRC BID #204 - 1984 STANDARD 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK <br />The Board reviewed the following memos dated 6/8/84 and <br />6/15/84: <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners GATE: June 8, 1984 FILE: <br />THRU: Michael Wright SUBJECT: IRC Bid #204- (1) New 1984 <br />County Administrator Standard 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck <br />FROM: <br />Carolyri,/Goodrich, Manager <br />Purchasing Department <br />1. Description and Conditions <br />REFERENCES: <br />Bids were received June 5, 1984 at 11:00 A.M. for IRC Bid #204- New 1984 <br />Standard 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck for the Utilities Department. <br />17 Bid Proposals were sent out, 4 Bids were received. <br />2. Alternatives and Analysis <br />The low bid was submitted by Roger Whitley Chevrolet, Tampa, F1 for a 1984 <br />_truck in the amount of $7575.00. A note was made on the bid that the price <br />is only good if the factory will accept the order. However, infr,rmation re- <br />ceived from the State of Florida regarding the State Contract and from other <br />dealers, the close out date for ordering 1984 1/2 Ton Pickups was April 3 <br />for Dodge and May 8 for Chevrolet. <br />The second low bid was submitted by"Hill Schultz Chevrolet for a 1984 in the <br />amount of $7720.00. They stated in a letter attached to their bid that they <br />will try to match truck for truck equipment for equipment as close as possible. <br />This would be from stock. 1984 trucks are no longer available ort the State <br />Contract. <br />1985 vehicles do not go into production until August 1, and delivery would be <br />at least 90 days. <br />3. Recommendation and Funding <br />It is recommended that IRC Bid #204 be awarded to the second low bidder, Bill <br />Schultz Chevrolet, in the amount of $7720.00 for a 1984 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton <br />Pickup Track. <br />Funds to come from Renewal and Replacement. <br />35 <br />JUN 20 1984 snox 57 Pt..GE 4l8 <br />