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Administrator Wright explained that he has put this. - <br />item off for nine months while staff did further research <br />and has now agreed to bring it before the Board. <br />Intergovernmental Relations Director Tommy Thomas <br />commented that Lynn Williams, Building & Grounds <br />Superintendent, has really done a thorough job in <br />researching this matter and found that it would be more <br />economical to go with a new copier. Director Thomas did not <br />personally'think that we can take a 5 -year old piece of <br />machinery, which has been overworked, and recondition it to <br />a point where it is reliable and cost efficient. He <br />compared copiers to automobiles and other appliances which <br />have a built-in obsolescence factor. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Bird, that the Board <br />approve staff's recommendation to approve the <br />30 -day free trial on the IBM Model 60 with <br />immediate delivery; with the understanding that <br />staff will try to sell our present IBM Model 20 <br />for a higher price than the $1500 trade-in offered <br />by IBM. <br />Commissioner Wodtke thought that we had bought the <br />present copier on a lease with option to purchase in 1979, <br />and wondered how many months we have left on that agreement. <br />Administrator Wright stated that it will be up in Sept. or <br />October. He noted that the new machine would be an outright <br />purchase, but we have an option to lease only. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked just what the cost would be - <br />for just leasing it as compared to buying it and Director <br />Thomas explained that leasing would run a little less, but <br />there again, copy prices may be increased in the future. <br />45 <br />JUN 2 0 1984 BOOK 57 Fr. r 508 <br />