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M M <br />FINANCING - S.R. 60 WATERLINE <br />Utilities Director Terry Pinto noted that the <br />Commission had authorized the awarding of bids on the SR -60 <br />waterline as soon as we had concurrence with the Farmers <br />Home Administration. It is necessary to get all of our <br />information to Farmers Home Administration within the next <br />week in order to obtain a Guide 1-A Commitment Letter for <br />Financing, which is a triggering mechanism for our existing <br />$2.7 million financing. If we don't get all this material <br />to FHA and do not receive Guide 1-A before July 1st, it <br />triggers a call on those notes and we would have to reissue <br />them. <br />Administrator Wright explained that $2 -million of this <br />project will go with the $2.7 million being put in by the <br />developers. The developers really won't have the ability to <br />get their money until they go through a legal process that <br />will not culminate for approximately 60 days. <br />Attorney Brandenburg explained that the rub in this <br />whole matter is that FHA wants the County to let the <br />contracts out for the entire job and the County does not <br />have enough money to to that. All we have is $871,000 of the <br />$2.4 million necessary for the contract. So, in fact, the <br />County is signing a contract for $2.4 million when there is <br />only $871,000 in the bank. <br />The County Attorney continued that when this was <br />discussed last week, consideration was given to inserting <br />some language in the FHA contracts with these individual <br />developers that would allow those contracts to lapse in the <br />event that the SR -60 assessment issue was not approved. <br />Director Pinto has been talking with the people from FHA, <br />and he does not feel they will go along with that approach <br />because in the event the contracts collapse, a certain <br />amount of the' $81=1-000 would have been wasted on improvements <br />put into the ground that could not be used. In order to <br />avoid refinancing the notes that we have outstanding, we <br />47 BOOK 57 Ft;up510 <br />JUN 20 1984 <br />