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ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, _ <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Wodtke, the Board <br />unanimously (4-0) authorized Commissioner Lyons <br />and staff to begin negotiations with appropriate <br />property owners to acquire the necessary <br />right-of-way on CR -512, and come back to the <br />Board. <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT <br />Chairman Scurlock reported that he is presently <br />considering individuals for appointment to the Economic <br />Development Committee, the formation of which was just <br />recently authorized by the Board. <br />FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT <br />Chairman Scurlock reported that they met this week <br />and after lengthy discussion, their recommendation to this <br />Commission is to approve a 1 -cent, one-year, 1984-1985 sales <br />tax increase as the primary funding source to construct the <br />$4.3 million jail facility. They further recommended that <br />if a shortfall does occur and additional monies are <br />required, the matter would come back before them for their <br />recommendation. If the voters choose not to endorse that <br />approach, other financing methods that would not exceed a <br />5 -year period would be considered. <br />Administrator Wright reported that it appears that we <br />are looking at an expansion within five years of the <br />completion of the construction of this facility. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked that the Commission be given <br />additional tax information for their review, and set a - <br />timetable so we can get this on the general election in <br />November. <br />Attorney Brandenburg advised that he is checking to see <br />if we can place it on the September election. He stressed <br />53 <br />JUN 2 0 1984 BOOK 57 m, 516 <br />