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r - <br />AUG 1 1984 <br />Bou 5 7 FACE 866 <br />staff to move ahead and draft a memo setting <br />out the criteria by which we have identified <br />this particular property, owned by John Lyon, <br />to receive service from the Vista Gardens plant; <br />this criteria to be consistent for connection to <br />any county wastewater facility. <br />Attorney Brandenburg questioned how you would require <br />the applicant to "bite the bullet" if the plant does go over <br />capacity, and if, for instance, the property has been sold <br />in the meantime. Director Pinto explained we would <br />calculate the cost of an expansion, and the applicant would <br />put up either cash or a bond to guarantee that cost until we <br />determine the expansion is or is not necessary; whether the <br />property is sold or not would not enter into it. <br />Commissioner Bird wished the Attorney to confirm that <br />we have the ability to use this excess capacity, and <br />Attorney Brandenburg assured him that we do as long as we <br />give Vista the capacity they need as they build. <br />Commissioner Lyons asked Mr. Lyon if he had any comment <br />to make. <br />John Lyon, developer, came before the Board and <br />confirmed that he could downsize his project and build a <br />package plant, but he did not believe anyone would be happy <br />with that solution. He believed what the Commission is <br />proposing makes sense, and he further believed that <br />eventually there will be a sewer line down U.S.1. <br />Commissioner Lyons asked if Mr. Lyon had any objections <br />to what has been proposed by the Utility Director, and Mr. <br />Lyon stated that he, but he would prefer to put up a <br />bond rather than cash. <br />r <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />45 <br />I <br />