Commissioner Lyons believed we should hear from those
<br />present today; there has been a counter proposal made of
<br />some interest, however, and he felt before we make a final
<br />decision on a matter of this importance all Board members
<br />should be present.
<br />Chairman Scurlock agreed. He believed it is up to the
<br />Commission whether to act on this today or delay it to the
<br />next meeting, but commented that he did know that Commis-
<br />sioner Bird, who is in Tallahassee on County business, has
<br />some specific comments on these amendments. The Chairman
<br />17
<br />AUG 15 1984 Bou 58 m -H 17
<br />Notice of hearing to consider the adoption of
<br />a County Ordinance amending the text of the
<br />Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan
<br />providing for establishing core area boundaries
<br />and outer limit boundaries for each of the com-
<br />y
<br />mercial, commercial/industrial, industrial, tourl-
<br />st/commercial, and hospital/commercial nodes
<br />as designated on the Land Use Map and de-
<br />scribed in the text of the Land Use Element of
<br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida
<br />the Comprehensive Plan by:
<br />A. Adding a paragraph 9 to page 34 of
<br />the Comprehensive Pian as follows:'
<br />9) Core area boundaries and
<br />outer limit boundaries will be es-
<br />_
<br />tablished for each node. The
<br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath
<br />Core area will include at least 25
<br />says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a daily newspaper published
<br />percent but not more than 100
<br />percent of the acreage of the
<br />at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being
<br />node. Land within the care area
<br />boundary will, considered
<br />within the node.e. Outer limit '
<br />boundaries will include at least
<br />a ��L2
<br />125 percent but not more than
<br />_
<br />200 percent of the acreage of the
<br />node. Land outside of the outer
<br />in the matter of f�
<br />limit of the node will be consid-
<br />ered outside of the node. Land
<br />located outside of the erre area
<br />but within the outer llm# bound-
<br />ary may be considered in the _ -
<br />node if there is unallocated-acre-
<br />nallocated acre -age
<br />ageavailable in the node and the
<br />in the Court, was pub-
<br />Parcel is situated now other
<br />commercial or industrial uses in.
<br />the node. Procedures outlining.
<br />this process should be approved -
<br />lished in said newspaper in the issues of
<br />by the Planning and Zoning
<br />Commision and_- the Board of
<br />/County
<br />d %
<br />Commissioners.'
<br />2. Adding a paragraph 10 to 34 of
<br />page
<br />the Comprehensive Plan as follows:
<br />10. Core area boundaries and
<br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach ress-Journal is a newspaper published at
<br />outer limit boundaries for each
<br />node will be reviewed for recom-
<br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore
<br />mendation by the Planning and
<br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, each daily and has been
<br />Zoning Commission after a pub-
<br />us
<br />entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River Coun-
<br />entered
<br />lic hearing and will be adopted
<br />by the Board of County Commis-
<br />%nere
<br />ty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of
<br />after a •public hearing.
<br />advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm
<br />Notice of these public hearings
<br />or corporation an discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of security this
<br />P Y P P 9
<br />shall be by published notice only.
<br />Once adopted, no rezoning shall
<br />advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
<br />be granted nor development i
<br />order Issued for commercial or
<br />industrial development of land
<br />Sworn to and subscribed bef re me is day of A.D. 19
<br />located outside of the outer emit
<br />`boundary,
<br />except as maybe pro-
<br />vided elsewhere by the Compre- t
<br />henslve Plan.
<br />(Bu es anager)
<br />A, public hearing at which parties in interest
<br />.. and citizens shall have an opportunity to be i
<br />%4
<br />heard, will be held by the Board of County Com-
<br />' y'
<br />missioners of Indian River County Florida, in the
<br />(Clerk of the Circuit Court, Indian R• County, Florida)
<br />County Commission Chambers of the County!
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Administration Building, located at 1940 25th
<br />street, Vero
<br />Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, Aug-
<br />ust 15, 1984, at 9:15 a.m.
<br />If any person decides to appeal any decision
<br />made on the above matter, he/she will need a,'
<br />record of the proceedings, and for such pur-
<br />poses, he/she may need to ensure that a verba-
<br />tim record of the proceedings is made, which in-
<br />cludes testimony and evidence upon which the
<br />appeal is based.
<br />Indian River County
<br />Board of County Commissioners
<br />B :-s-Don C. Scurlock Jr.
<br />Chairman
<br />July 28, Aug. 7, 1984.
<br />Commissioner Lyons believed we should hear from those
<br />present today; there has been a counter proposal made of
<br />some interest, however, and he felt before we make a final
<br />decision on a matter of this importance all Board members
<br />should be present.
<br />Chairman Scurlock agreed. He believed it is up to the
<br />Commission whether to act on this today or delay it to the
<br />next meeting, but commented that he did know that Commis-
<br />sioner Bird, who is in Tallahassee on County business, has
<br />some specific comments on these amendments. The Chairman
<br />17
<br />AUG 15 1984 Bou 58 m -H 17
<br />