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SEP 5 1984 BOOK 58 F'ACUE 156 <br />Commissioner Bird felt if the most recent survey is <br />accurate and it is running 10-1 in favor, we do have an <br />indication of the people's feelings. <br />Mr. Kulzycki reported that they sent out 1800 question- <br />naires and got 1200 returns. There are 1833 lots, with 600 <br />still in GDC's name. He emphasized that they would like to <br />get the lights started in October if possible. GDC will pay <br />for their lights, but they do not want to make a contribu- <br />tion to start this. He felt possibly the County could <br />borrow money to get this started as he felt they dropped the <br />ball whereby taxes can't be levied this year. <br />Discussion ensued, and the Board indicated that they <br />would be uncomfortable about advancing money until the <br />District was pretty well in place. <br />Attorney Paull explained about the public hearings <br />required and noted that in order to levy in 1985, the MSTU <br />would have to be in place by July of the year rather than <br />January. <br />Mr. Kulzycki asked why the ordinance was never drafted <br />or the public hearings scheduled as the Board had directed. <br />Administrator Wright agreed that staff dropped the ball, but <br />Commissioner Lyons felt it actually was because until now <br />we did not feel we had a real showing of the majority <br />feeling. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, <br />SECONDED BY Commissioner Bird, to direct <br />staff to prepare an ordinance setting up <br />an MSTU for a Vero Highlands Street <br />Lighting District and to set up the re- <br />quired public hearings. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt if the district is created and <br />then the people want to do something voluntarily about <br />50 <br />� � i <br />