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Commissioner Bowman wished to know how many lots are <br />involved and what this would cost GDC in a year. <br />OMB Director Barton reported that Florida Power & Light <br />worked out the boundaries. The cost is about $43,000 a year <br />and that is just to pay power bills. <br />George Kulzycki, manager of operations for GDC, <br />explained that in their first mailing they did not include <br />what is referred to as the "old section" which contains <br />approximately 200 lots. That area was canvassed by hand <br />approximately 3 years ago, but Mr. Kulzycki felt the person <br />who did the canvassing and collected the votes was strongly <br />opposed and influenced people accordingly. Excluding the <br />"old section," they had a 4-1 indication in favor of the <br />MSTU and that was excluding General Development's property. <br />GDC indicated that they would go whichever way the majority <br />wanted to go. They now have done another mailing, which <br />Mr. Kulzycki believed is approximately 10-1 in favor of the <br />street lighting district. He pointed out that the Board's <br />Motion last year was to instruct staff to proceed with <br />creating the MSTU for 1984. He informed the Board that when <br />GDC had to tell the property owners that this apparently had <br />been dropped along the way with the result that a year had <br />been lost, it did not go over too well. <br />Commissioner Bird asked what the cost per individual <br />lot would be estimated if all lots were included, and Mr. <br />Kulzycki believed it was close to $20 a year per lot. <br />OMB Director Barton again brought up the possibility of <br />moving forward if seed money could be raised. He informed <br />the Board that FP&L is recommending 395 lights for the <br />District, but he is trying to work out a way where this <br />could be phased and just 50-100 lights could be put in this <br />year to provide minimal coverage; possibly this could be <br />completely funded by a contribution or loan by GDC or the <br />county or the residents or a combination of all three. <br />49 <br />SEP 5 984 BOOK 58 rmn_15 <br />