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Fr - <br />SEP <br />Bou Crl rrh Ul. <br />double arm barrier, and it cost $120,000 for the double <br />crossing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously <br />closed the public hearing. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner'Bowman for purposes <br />of discussion, to adopt .an Ordinance with <br />the understanding that the ordinance covers <br />the whole county and that any municipality <br />not wishing to be included would specifically <br />have to ask to be excluded. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that apparently he is lucky <br />as he doesn't have the sensitivity to the noise that these <br />people appear to, and he grew up in Fort Pierce near the <br />railroad tracks. <br />Commissioner Bowman stated that she lives within 1500' <br />of the tracks and the train whistles never bother her; in <br />fact, she rather enjoys them. She suggested that those who <br />are bothered drink less coffee before they go to bed so they <br />don't lie awake waiting for the next whistle. <br />Commissioner Bird believed the majority of the <br />complaints seem to come from the Vista Royale area, but he <br />did not feel we can single out particular crossings. <br />Discussion continued re city limits, jurisdictions, <br />enforcement, etc., and Attorney Wilson stated that we must <br />be consistent within our jurisdiction and cannot specify <br />just certain crossings within that jurisdiction. The same <br />would be true for the municipalities. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if any governmental authority <br />has approached the railroad in regard to limiting their <br />78 <br />_I <br />