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Administrator Wright pointed out that what is not included <br />in this budget is the price of rental space for the Sheriff, and <br />we will be looking for contingency on that, too. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that under total appropriations <br />Cash Carry Forward shown 1984 and Contingency for the same year, <br />which you add together, we figured 1.474 million, but in our <br />budget now, we actually show about 2.3 million cash carry <br />forward. He wished to know if we carried over $800,000 more than <br />anticipated. <br />OMB Director Barton confirmed that is correct, and Adminis- <br />trator Wright noted that it is his theory that we don't always <br />spend all the money. <br />Commissioner Wodtke commented that apparently we are antici- <br />pating 2.3 million cash forward at the end of 1985, and <br />Mr. Barton stated that is correct to stay even during this fiscal <br />year. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked if the figures shown for 1983-84 <br />are the figures after we made amendments, and Mr. Barton stated <br />those figures are what we actually started with.last year on the <br />night of the final adoption of the budget. <br />The Chairman asked if there were any further questions or <br />whether anyone further wished to be heard on the General Fund. <br />There were none. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously <br />closed the public hearing on the General Fund. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously <br />approved a tentative millage of 3.100 for <br />the General Fund for the fiscal year 1984-85. <br />5 <br />BOOK 58 Pmjr.?93 <br />