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Attorney Brandenburg felt that would be fine, and the Board <br />concurred . <br />Discussion then ensued regarding the language in reference <br />to a franchise with the City. Chairman Scurlock pointed out that <br />the problem is that we presently have no franchise nor any agree- <br />ment with the City on electric service in the unincorporated <br />area, but we are charging Florida Power & Light Co. customers a <br />franchise fee; we, therefore, are taxing one portion of our <br />residents and not another. The purpose of the language is simply <br />not to close the door. We are not taking the position that we <br />are going to require a franchise, but we don't want to jeopardize <br />our position in regard to entering into an agreement with the <br />City on electric. <br />Mr. Little stated that as far as electric is concerned; he <br />is not here to discuss that today. His personal opinion was that <br />staff ought to try to work that out together next year. In the <br />case of water, however, the City is not willing to talk about a <br />franchise fee. <br />Chairman Scurlock wished to find a vehicle not to give up <br />any rights we might have in the future relating to a franchise <br />fee, and Attorney Brandenburg suggested adding a fourth paragraph <br />stating that neither party waives any rights they may have under <br />Florida law with respect to items that are not specifically <br />mentioned in the Agreement. <br />City Manager Little did not see how we could do otherwise. <br />City Attorney Vitunac believed the County's interest is in the <br />pass-through franchise fee for the electric, and felt he could <br />write some language that if the County ever established an <br />electrical pass-through fee that the City probably wouldn't <br />object to passing that through in the water also. He stressed <br />that what the City does not want is another level of bureaucracy <br />looking over their shoulder. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed it would suffice to say that <br />neither entity waives any of their rights under Florida law. <br />7 <br />�a� <br />N 0 V 211984 a <br />