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Attorney Brandenburg explained that the rules and <br />regulations can be either state regulations or local ordinances <br />relating to the same type of items. <br />Commissioner Wodtke emphasized that he would not want this <br />board to be used by the DER or other state agencies to push all <br />their workload over here. <br />Mr. Galanis believed he could control that. He noted that <br />the DER is the regulatory agency over sewer plants, and this <br />actually would involve many other facets of health related <br />nuisances. <br />Discussion continued regarding the appeal process and how <br />the DER works, etc., and Commissioner Bird asked if someone could <br />make a complaint about a neighbor, for instance, directly to this <br />Board or whether they would have to funnel it through Environ- <br />mental Health. <br />Mr. Galanis confirmed that there would be a professional <br />investigation before anything was brought before this board. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that he has not reviewed this <br />completely, and if he should have additional comments he would <br />like to be able to bring them to the County Attorney. He was <br />assured that this could be done at the public hearing with the <br />Legislative Delegation or at any time up until then. <br />Attorney Brandenburg felt there is a need to move on this <br />quite quickly and suggested that any Motion include submitting <br />the proposed Bill to the Legislative Delegation. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously <br />(4-0) approved the proposed Bill relating to <br />establishment of a County Environmental Control <br />Board, including the changes just outlined and <br />deleting the requirement that the Board meet <br />no less than every 90 days, and authorized <br />submission of same to the Legislative Delegation. <br />47 <br />D E C 12, 1984 <br />eooF 59 Fin ffl <br />1 <br />