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Attorney Brandenburg confirmed that the Ordinance has been <br />properly advertised, but wished to advise the Board of a couple <br />of alternatives we have with respect to it prior to general <br />discussion. He explained that the Ordinance as now laid out <br />provides for the repealing of the existing residential districts <br />and the substitution of the new districts for them, but we cannot <br />accomplish all this today since it affects property amounting to <br />more than 5% of the land in the county, which requires the <br />holding of two public hearings after 5:00 P.M. The Attorney <br />continued that in order to enable the Board to take some action <br />today, the language both in the title of this Ordinance and <br />throughout the body of the Ordinance in regard to repealing the <br />current residential districts would have to be stricken and the <br />language creating the new districts would have to be amended to <br />say that new districts are created, such as district section 3-A, <br />4-A, etc., as opposed to 3,4 and 5. Under this alternative, we <br />would then set up the required evening hearings, do a conversion <br />table spelling out the changes in the districts, i.e., R-1 in <br />the LD -2 Comprehensive Plan district will now become RS -3, etc., <br />publish this with large ads; and then repeal the old districts. <br />The other alternative is to leave the districts as written now <br />and have the public hearing, but postpone adoption of the <br />ordinance until we have the night public hearings. Attorney <br />Brandenburg recommended the first alternative as he felt we want <br />to get these new districts on the books and start using them. <br />Commissioner Wodtke felt it would be informative at the time <br />of the public hearings to have the original language that is to <br />be changed underlined so that it can be compared with the new <br />language and people can identify the differences easily. <br />Attorney Brandenburg noted that staff has done this before <br />on shorter ordinances, but in this instance, we are dealing with <br />a 100 page ordinance, and it would constitute practically an <br />entire rewrite. <br />15 <br />JAN 16 1985 BOOK 59 69 J <br />