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current ordinance until that is changed. <br />There is a draft of a <br />new definition section that will be presented at a later date. <br />Attorney Brandenburg continued with the following changes on <br />Page 3 in 3.1B. 2.a., and stated that the first sentence should <br />read "In the event there is not a particular use listed anywhere <br />in the Ordinance that describes a land use activity in question <br />and such use is not determined to be an accessory use, then it <br />shall be considered the use having the most similar character- <br />istics." The last sentence should read, "Where uncertainties <br />continue to exist, the question shall be determined by the <br />Planning and Development Director." <br />Page 4 - Paragraph 3., Permitted Uses, Specifically, <br />Attorney Brandenburg stated that the following wording should be <br />added at the end of this paragraph; "accessory uses, administra- <br />tive uses, and special exception uses." <br />Attorney Michael O'Haire noted that both Pages 3 and 4 <br />refer to uses not specifically listed, and he asked that the <br />Board consider making the appeal of the decision regarding such <br />uses to a Board that is politically responsible rather than <br />appointed, i.e., to the County Commission rather than the Board <br />of Zoning Adjustment. <br />County Attorney Brandenburg suggested that the Commission <br />not make such an amendment. He noted that you are never going to <br />be able to list every single use possible; we have taken the uses <br />in the old code and noted problems and tried to make changes <br />accordingly, but it is always a matter of interpretation, and <br />that is what the Board of Adjustments is set up for by Statute. <br />Attorney Brandenburg believed the Board of Adjustments is <br />politically responsible also and noted that if someone disagrees <br />with their decision, they still can come to the County Commission <br />and say the law is wrong and ask that it be amended. <br />The Chairman asked how the Board wished to handle this, and <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt we should leave this as suggested and <br />19 <br />800K 5 9 ; �. r 4X i 3 <br />