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the taxpayers and the spenders of the money. It was felt because <br />the volunteers are not in this for profit that the Chiefs would <br />represent the money spending need and the president of the <br />not-for-profit department was basically a citizen and would <br />represent the taxpayer; the third party was to be an elected <br />official or an unbiased individual. He did agree, however, that <br />it seems there is more discussion from the fire department's <br />point of view than the taxpayers. <br />Commissioner Scurlock inquired what the District's major <br />objection is to a paid Administrator. <br />Chief Arand noted that when the North County District was <br />formed, it was told it would get 3 mills to run the District. <br />That was fine, but they never did get 3 mills and at that time <br />they had three departments. Now they have four departments and <br />are going to five. <br />Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that the Commission <br />recommended the North County District go to referendum and adopt <br />a higher millage, but the North County said absolutely no - if we <br />put in three mills, we will spend it and have paid people, etc., <br />Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that voting in a higher millage <br />cap does not mean that you have to use it. <br />.003. <br />Chief Arand stated that they went for .5 and all they get is <br />OMB Director Barton noted that is incorrect. The District <br />does levy .5 mills every year; although one year it was .43 when <br />we used the rollback. The one-half mill levy creates <br />approximately $150,000. Commissioner Scurlock felt that is part <br />of the problem; you can't run the District on $150,000. <br />OMB Barton agreed, noting that the budget used to be in four <br />segments, and now it is five, plus there is a general account to <br />pay the expenses common to all, i.e., insurance, Tax Collector <br />and Property Appraiser's fees, etc. <br />Chief Arand felt a coordinator or administrator as <br />discussed, would require a salary of about $50,000 a year and <br />11 <br />JAN 3 0 1985 BOOK v FACE 129 <br />