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JAN 3 0 1985 <br />BOOK 50 'FADE/30 <br />wished to know if the County Commission would put up this money. <br />It was pointed out that it is the District's expense. <br />Chief Arand noted that they can only raise their budget just <br />so much, and Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that by referendum <br />anything in the original setup of the District can be amended - <br />millage, membership, etc. <br />Chief Arand argued that they can't ask the people for <br />another raise; they were told it would be just once, and he <br />didn't want to lie to them. <br />Chief McClain commented that since he came to the meeting, <br />he has heard a lot about the problems of Vero Lakes Estates <br />Department, but he sits on the Advisory Board and this is the <br />first he has heard of their problems regarding fill, etc. He <br />felt that if this had been brought to the Advisory Board, the <br />Board would want to work with them. <br />Mr. Fletcher believed that it has not been firmed up as yet <br />that everything should go through the Advisory Board, but Chief <br />McClain informed him that this was decided at the last meeting, <br />when Mr. Fletcher was absent. <br />Jerry Peeler, president of the Vero Lakes Estates <br />Department, clarified that they were not intentionally trying to <br />go around the Advisory Board or do anything behind anyone's back. <br />He had occasion to ask Commission Scurlock a question about some <br />other matter, and felt at the same time he might as well ask <br />about the fill dirt. <br />Chief Howard Marcley did not see where the North County <br />Advisory Board has anything to do with the Vero Lakes Estates <br />fire house since the Vero Lakes group are building the station <br />themselves. <br />Roseland Chief McClain felt that is part of the <br />communications problem. The Commission is asking them to help <br />build the Vero Lakes building with the District's money, but all <br />the other departments raised their own money and built their own <br />stations. <br />12 <br />